Rapid Prototyping
Expertise in Action

Creating Coatings for Extreme Environments
The leading edges of hypersonics vehicles—as well as fins, control surfaces, and apertures—need to be protected against speeds exceeding Mach 5, temperatures well above 1,000 degrees Celsius, oxidation from the atmosphere, and tremendous aerodynamic shear loads. Custom materials can enable mission success in these extreme environments.
Learn more about Creating Coatings for Extreme Environments

Rapid Prototyping for Launcher Training
We improved on training aids by rapidly and cost-effectively prototyping an interactive pressurization valve for missile tube launcher training.
Learn more about Rapid Prototyping for Launcher Training

Test Target Prototyping
A cross-APL team of engineers, working with the Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) Target and Countermeasures Directorate and other government and industry partners, develops cost-effective solutions for MDA to support live-fire testing of interceptors, sensors, and fire control systems.
Learn more about Test Target Prototyping