Collaborate With APL
To evaluate and license APL technology, contact Tech Transfer. Tech Transfer will begin with a preliminary meeting to determine an appropriate licensing strategy.
These templates are being provided for informational purposes only. APL reserves the right to change any terms and conditions therein at its sole discretion at any time and for any reason.
- Nondisclosure Agreement (Updated 6/2019)
- Commercial License Agreement (Updated 9/2019)
Accessing APL Technology
Tech Transfer is responsible for all aspects of marketing and licensing technology developed at APL. Tech Transfer commercializes APL technology through successful partnerships with emerging companies, industry, and not-for-profit organizations. Contact Tech Transfer to discuss opportunities.
If research funding is associated with an option or license agreement, it will be included as a separate term in the license agreement, and a separate research and development contract will be executed. Tech Transfer works closely with the APL Contracts Group in these instances.
Due Diligence
APL seeks licensees who have the necessary resources and planning to successfully utilize or commercialize the licensed technology. Tech Transfer will research the organization to ensure that they have sufficient capital, infrastructure, and business focus to get a product on the market.
APL is committed to having a positive impact on the economic health of Baltimore, Howard County, and the rest of Maryland, and as such will seek to work with local organizations when possible.
Yes. However, technologies developed with federal funding require a substantial part of the product manufacturing to be done in the United States. Federal export-control statutes and regulations also may affect licensing outside of the United States. These are assessed on a case-by-case basis.
All technology transfer license agreements are negotiated and executed through Tech Transfer. Tech Transfer will work to negotiate agreements that share risk and reward and give the technology the best chance of success in the marketplace.
Typically, APL looks for licensing terms that include a license execution fee; royalties on product revenue; milestone, annual, and diligence payments; and patent reimbursement.
A sample APL license agreement can be viewed here.
- Commercial License Agreement (Updated 9/2019)
Yes. From a starting point of basic business practice, Tech Transfer will tailor our standard agreements to fit each situation. Our goal is to accurately value the technology and structure terms that are fair and reasonable for the given opportunity.
Turnaround time varies from case to case, but Tech Transfer works from preapproved agreement language and has signature authority for technology transfer agreements, which helps to expedite the process.
Yes. APL will seek a license arrangement that will give the technology the best chance of success in the marketplace. While in certain situations Tech Transfer prefers to execute nonexclusive license agreements, exclusive, nonexclusive, co-exclusive, and field-of-use agreements are common.
One-Click Licensing
Many of APL’s software programs and media (photos, videos, presentations) are available for downloading under one-click license agreements to parties who complete the agreement and accept the standard terms and conditions. Learn more about these available technologies and images by clicking through the titles in the link below.