View upcoming events hosted by Johns Hopkins APL.
Upcoming Events
Location: APL Kossiakoff Center
Analysis and Decision Advantage in an Era of Great Power Competition Conference (ADEC 2024) September 17 and 18, 2024
ADEC 2024 is sponsored by APL’s National Security Analysis Department. This event has the potential to guide national security discussions and shape policy decisions for years to come.
This curated event will include technical talks, demos, and panel discussions in the following four tracks:
1. Tradecraft: This track focuses on innovative methodologies in artificial intelligence; machine learning and generative AI, including modeling and simulation techniques; and wargaming.
2. Understanding Adversaries: This track centers on the complexities of competition among great powers, especially the dynamics involving Russia, China, and the United States.
3. Net Analyses: This track includes comparative analysis of technical capabilities in emerging technologies among major global players.
4. Wartime Analysis: This track includes operational analysis and examines analytical imperatives in real-world operations, revisiting historical and current organizations for future lessons.
The Laboratory will also host a Special Session on Strategic Capabilities to discuss game-changing innovations.
Registration is now open.
Location: APL Kossiakoff Center and Online
Cislunar Security Conference 2024 December 4-6, 2024
The Cislunar Security Conference, hosted annually by APL, is the premier opportunity for U.S. stakeholders to discuss new and evolving critical challenges in the cislunar domain.
In 2022, the United States Office of Science and Technology Policy released the National Cislunar Science & Technology Strategy, stating that the U.S. will lead the world in responsible, peaceful, and sustainable exploration and utilization of cislunar space, including the Moon. Since then, there has been an unprecedented drive to cislunar space, with private companies and foreign nations attempting to land rovers on the Moon’s surface and sending satellites into complex cislunar orbits.
This year’s conference will highlight security challenges associated with this increasing exploration and utilization of the cislunar regime and promote dialogue on solutions to these challenges. U.S. citizenship is required to participate in this event. Registration is open until September 30, 2024.
Location: Online and University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium’s (LSIC) 2024 Fall Meeting November 13-15, 2024
Register now for the Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium’s (LSIC) 2024 Fall Meeting, to be held at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). This meeting will focus on technology testing, lunar proving grounds, and how the community can partner to get to the Moon together.
The meeting is held in partnership with UNLV and the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS). Presentations and discussions will be conducted on November 13 and 14, with an option for a tour of the lunar proving grounds at NNSS on November 15.
LSIC centers its work on the NASA Lunar Surface Innovation Initiative’s (LSII) key capability areas, including surface power, in situ resource utilization, excavation and construction, dust mitigation, extreme environments, and extreme access.
Abstract submission closes October 4, 2024.
APL Colloquium
The APL Colloquium is one of the longest-standing technical and scientific lecture series in the Washington/Baltimore area. The goal of the Colloquium has been to bring scientific scholars, technical innovators, industry leaders, government sponsors, and policymakers to APL to inform, educate, and enlighten Laboratory staff on what is currently exciting, relevant, and of value to the work of APL.
Recruiting Events
Our recruitment team participates in many virtual, on-site, and hybrid career fairs and hiring events. Connect with us at an upcoming recruitment event to learn more about careers and internships at APL.