Cislunar Science and Technology
Understanding the Challenges
The Moon is a cornerstone of solar system science and the closest world beyond our own on which humans may establish a sustainable presence. The scientific, economic, and national security value of cislunar space has brought about an era of intense international cooperation and competition, marked by unprecedented utilization of the space beyond geosynchronous orbit.
With a broad and distinguished base of cislunar experts and a demonstrated ability to work across the civil and national security space domains, APL is uniquely positioned as a trusted government agent to implement and integrate critical elements of our nation’s lunar strategy. Through partnerships with government, academia, and industry, APL is making critical contributions to the development of cislunar infrastructure to ensure our nation’s security interests are protected, support development of a sustainable cislunar presence, and advance pioneering science.
Expertise in Action

Lunar Vertex Moon

Vector Magnetometers Moon

Mini-RF Moon
While APL may be known for engaging in space-firsts and building first-of-its-kind spacecraft that deflect asteroids or touch the Sun, it also has a deep knowledge base of science and engineering experts who provide critical contributions to critical challenges. Through initiatives like Planetary Defense, Heliophysics and Space Weather, and Cislunar Operations, APL is able to deliver game-changing impacts for civil and national security.