APL Colloquium

January 6, 2023

Colloquium Topic: Mastering the Art of Command: the Strategic Artistry of Admiral Nimitz

Admiral Chester Nimitz was one of the most effective military leaders of World War II. In his new book, Mastering the Art of Command: Admiral Chester W. Nimitz and Victory in the Pacific War, Trent Hone examines Admiral Nimitz's leadership and argues that Nimitz's effectiveness was based on an artistic approach that allowed him to maximize the potential of his command, wrest the initiative from the Japanese, and create the conditions for victory in the Pacific.

In this talk, Mr. Hone will explore Nimitz's artistic approach in detail and highlight how core attributes of Nimitz's leadership—collaborative sensemaking, decentralized execution, organizational unfolding, and the relentless pursuit of options—allowed Nimitz and his subordinates to readily adapt and adjust to new information and maximize the effectiveness of their command and organizational structures. Mr. Hone will integrate command and operational history to describe the war as it appeared from Nimitz's headquarters and how Nimitz mastered the art of command.

Colloquium Speaker: Trent Hone

Trent Hone is an award-winning naval historian and Vice President with ICF International, based in Fairfax, Virginia. Mr. Hone's work is fueled by an interest in organizational learning and operational effectiveness. He consults with organizations to improve their art of practice, accelerate learning, and innovate more effectively. 

Mr. Hone is the author of Learning War: The Evolution of Fighting Doctrine in the U.S. Navy, 1898–1945, which explores how the U.S. Navy developed learning mechanisms before World War II that accelerated victory during that conflict. His article, “U.S. Navy Surface Battle Doctrine and Victory in the Pacific” was awarded the U.S. Naval War College’s Edward S. Miller Prize and the Naval History and Heritage Command’s Ernest M. Eller Prize. His essay, “Guadalcanal Proved Experimentation Works” earned second place in the 2017 Chief of Naval Operations Naval History Essay Contest. 

Mr. Hone’s latest book, Mastering the Art of Command: Admiral Chester W. Nimitz and Victory in the Pacific War, was published by the Naval Institute Press in September 2022. It is a detailed examination of Admiral Nimitz's leadership during World War II and describes how Nimitz's approach helped win crucial victories against the forces of Imperial Japan, seize the initiative, and execute an offensive campaign that created the conditions for victory in the Pacific.