APL Colloquium

December 3, 2010

Colloquium Topic: The Hart Prizes for Excellence in Independent Research and Development

The overall goal for the IR&D Program is to help position the Laboratory to make critical contributions to critical challenges in current and planned business areas through research and development. The Hart Prizes were established to recognize significant contributions to the Laboratory's IR&D Program. This colloquium features the two IR&D Projects recently selected in 2010 to receive the Hart Prizes for excellence in research and development for FY2009.

Research: Carbon Nanotube Triodes for Harsh Environment Electronics - The overall objective of this project was to develop electronics that are based on planar Carbon Nanotube Triodes (CNT) field emitting devices that can operate over a wide range of temperatures and in the presence of ionizing radiation. The proof-of-principle was demonstrated for a CNT-based lateral field-emission triode, which is the basic building block of harsh-environment electronics. APL Investigators: Stergios Papadakis, Andrew Monica, Noam Izenberg, George Coles, and Robert Osiander.

Development: Weaponized Small Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) for Engaging Moving Urban Targets – Engaging moving targets in an urban environment, while minimizing collateral damage and not putting troops at risk, is a significant warfighter challenge. This project has successfully demonstrated the ability of cooperating small UAS to do so. Accordingly, JHU/APL has been recognized as an innovator and creator of new UAS business opportunities. APL Investigators: Brian Funk, Jeff Barton, John Castelli, Erich Mueller, Bo Cybyk, David Drewry, Sarah Haack, Brian McGrath, Tim Frey, Jeff Garretson, Andrew Lee, Allison Carr, Austin Cox, and Chris Chiu; JHU Investigators: Garrick Orchard and Ralph Etienne-Cummings.

Colloquium Speaker: 2010 Hart Prize Winners

Hart Prize Research Winners Stergios Papadakis, Andrew Monica, Noam Izenberg, George Coles, and Robert Osiander

Hart Prize for Development Winners Brian Funk, Jeff Barton, Jonathan Castelli, Erich Mueller, Bo Cybyk, David Drewry, Sarah Haack, Brian McGrath, Tim Frey, Jeff Garretson, Andrew Lee, Alison Carr, Austin Cox, Chris Chiu, Garrick Orchard, and Ralph Etienne-Cummings.