APL Colloquium

April 8, 2022

Colloquium Topic: Opening up the Gravitational Wave Spectrum

The historic discovery of gravitational waves by LIGO has initiated a new era of astronomy, permitting us to observe the universe through new eyes. LIGO is sensitive to gravitational waves at frequencies above 40 Hz. Much like the case of electromagnetism, there is a strong science case to observationally probe other parts of the gravitational wave spectrum. Significant advances on this front have been made in the mHz band by the LISA collaboration and the nHz range by the NanoGRAV collaboration. How might be probe other gravitational wave frequencies? In this talk, I will discuss the use of atom interferometers to probe gravitational waves in the 1 Hz band.  I will also explore the potential use of asteroids as test masses to detect gravitational waves at micro Hz frequencies and the possible use of astrometry in the nHz - micro Hz regime.

Colloquium Speaker: Surjeet Rajendran

Surjeet Rajendran is an associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the Johns Hopkins University. His scholarly interests are in theoretical physics with a strong focus on physics beyond the standard model. He is particularly interested in the development of new experimental techniques to probe the laws of nature and the constituents of the universe.