APL Colloquium

June 12, 2020

Colloquium Topic: Climate Change, Renewables, and Nuclear Energy: Which Path to Follow?

Most of the climate change and environmental movement sees the expansion of renewable energy, especially solar and wind, as the way to reach the goal of zero burning of fossil fuel by 2050. I will question this and argue that nuclear energy provides the only practical, safe, and healthful path toward a green, carbon-free future.

Colloquium Speaker: Leonard Rodberg

Leonard Rodberg, PhD, a theoretical physicist by training, is Professor Emeritus of Urban Studies at Queens College, City University of New York, where he taught for 35 years, including 22 years as Departmental Chair, until retiring in 2016.  He has a background in nuclear physics, public policy, and health care policy. At Queens College, he taught courses on computer-based analysis of urban problems, health policy, and climate change. Early in his career he was chief of the Science Policy Office in the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency within the US State Department.