APL Colloquium

August 5, 2019

Colloquium Topic: The History of Space in National Security

Douglas Loverro, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy, will discuss from a historical standpoint the critical role of space in U.S. national security.

Colloquium Speaker: Mr. Douglas Loverro

Mr. Douglas Loverro is a highly regarded senior DoD space thinker and leader. He most recently served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy. In this role, he was responsible for establishing policy and guidance to assure United States and allied warfighters the benefits of Space capabilities and helped guide the Department’s strategy for addressing space-related issues. He also led Departmental activities in international space cooperation. 

Prior to that, Mr. Loverro served as the Executive Director for Air Force Space Command’s Space and Missile Systems Center where he also served as the Air Force’s Deputy Program Executive Officer (PEO) for Space, overseeing every major DoD space effort.  In addition to the assignments above, he also directly managed multiple major DoD and National Reconnaissance space programs such as the US GPS program and the US's Future Imagery Architecture Program.  He left the government in 2017 after 45 years of combined military and civilian service.

He holds a Master’s Degrees in Physics from the University of New Mexico, a Master’s of Political Science from Auburn University, and an MBA from the University of West Florida in addition to his BS in Chemistry from the US Air Force Academy. He was a distinguished graduate from the Air Force’s Air Command and Staff College and Squadron Officer School and was the #1 graduate from DoD’s Industrial College of the Armed Forces.

He is the recipient of multiple prestigious awards including the Secretary of Defense’s Medal for Outstanding Public Service, AIAA’s Durand Lecture for Public Service, the National Defense Industrial Association's (NDIA) Bob Hope Distinguished Citizen Award, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Federation of Galaxy Explorers, the Society of Satellite Professional Engineers Stellar Award, and the Armed Forces Communicants and Electronics Association's (AFCEA) Benjamin Oliver Gold Medal for Engineering amongst many other civilian and military honors.