APL Colloquium

Welcome to the APL Colloquium

The APL Colloquium is one of the longest standing technical and scientific lecture series in the Washington/Baltimore area. The goal of the Colloquium has been to bring to the Laboratory scientific scholars, technical innovators, industry leaders, government sponsors, and policy makers to inform, educate, and enlighten Laboratory staff on what is currently exciting, relevant, and of value to the work of APL.

Next Colloquium Events

The APL colloquium is a mixture of virtual (via Zoom.gov) and in-person events. 

To receive e-mail announcements including virtual event connection information:
APL employees may subscribe to e-mail announcements via the APL MyLists webpage
Non-employees may request to be added to the e-mail distribution via e-mail to Colloquium@jhuapl.edu.

Experiencing the Universe! A path to humanistic transformation in science

» Overview

Wanda Díaz Merced
Cathedratic at Universidad del Sagrado Corazon Puerto Rico, Fellow of the Royal Academy International Trust ( RASIT), and Director of Science In Braille (RASIT)

Parsons Auditorium

Threat Multiplier: Climate, Military Leadership, and the Fight for Global Security

» Overview

Sherri Goodman
Senior Fellow, Wilson Center

Parsons Auditorium

Click on ยป Overview for more information about the colloquium.

To receive e-mail Colloquium Announcements, APL employees should use the APL MyLists site and subscribe to the Colloquia under the Speakers tab. All others should send e-mail to the Colloquium Office at colloquium@jhuapl.edu and include their name in the body of the e-mail.


For disability access information, contact the Conference Facilities Office:
240-228-7000 or 443-778-7000

For additional information, contact the Colloquium Office: