APL Colloquium

December 16, 2005

Colloquium Topic: A Lifetime of BAD Photographs

Bruce A. Dale will share with you some of his more memorable moments working for National Geographic. Bruce is what you'd call a "generalist." Rather than specializing in one aspect of photography, he has distinguished himself with a wide repertoire of work ranging from beneath the sea, to high altitude, anthropological, and high tech. He'll show behind the scenes and out-take images from remote photography of jumbo jets in flight, bullets penetrating watches (killing time), a radio controlled roadrunner, and details of the most expensive photograph ever published by National Geographic - a hologram cover for the 100th anniversary issue. Still, his favorites are those serendipitous moments that can never be planned. He'll try and show the cause and effect and explain how accidents - a wrong turn for example - can lead to the most memorable images. This lecture will also include tips for getting the most out of your digital camera and will illustrate how to capture in camera what you see with your eye.

Colloquium Speaker: Bruce A. Dale

Bruce A. Dale has had one of the most highly sought-after jobs in the world: shooting photographs for National Geographic magazine, which published more than 2,000 of his pictures. His travels literally took him all over the planet - he visited more than 75 countries during his three decades with the publication. One of his memorable photos involved mounting cameras on the tail of a jumbo jet for in-flight photos. Another contributed to the hologram cover of the 100th Anniversary issue. His books on Gypsies (where he traveled overland with Gypsies from England to India) and American Mountain People stand out in anthropology collections today. In 1999 another book, The American Southwest, was published by National Geographic. While at National Geographic, in addition to numerous other awards, Dale twice won the "Magazine Photographer of the Year" award, "White House Photographer of the Year" award in 1989, and honors for his creative work with digital imaging from the Smithsonian Institution. In what can be considered the world's most permanent gallery, one of his photographs now journeys beyond the solar system on board NASA's Voyager Spacecraft, as testimony about planet Earth. Today, Dale splits his time on photojournalism assignments, such as what he did for National Geographic; on advertising campaigns; lecturing; and on location in workshops with photography students. As the world has moved to digital photography, Dale has become an expert on the subject, finding it has added tremendously to the creativity he can bring to his professional activities. --- www.brucedale.com.