APL Colloquium

June 3, 2010

Colloquium Topic: MEMS Based Sensors for THz Imaging

Owing to its unique spectral characteristics, radiation in the 0.3–10 terahertz (THz) spectral range has drawn attention as a new and potentially powerful medium for next-generation imaging technology. Terahertz wavelengths are sufficiently short to provide sub-millimeter resolution capability, yet are also sufficiently long to penetrate most non-metallic materials. Currently, most terahertz imaging systems are based on either antenna-coupled semiconductor detectors or cryogenically-cooled bolometers operating in the relatively slow scan mode. In this presentation, an overview of THz imaging activity at NPS using uncooled microbolometer technology will first be discussed. Then the recent efforts in the development of high THz absorbing nanolaminates will be presented.

Colloquium Speaker: Christos Bolakis and Gamani Karunasiri

Christos Bolakis and Gamani Karunasiri are in the Physics Department at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California.

Christos Bolakis is a Master’s degree graduate student in Physics at the Naval Postgraduate School. He is also a Lieutenant Junior Grade Combat officer of the Hellenic Navy. He graduated from the Hellenic Naval Academy in 2003. Since then, he mostly served in frigates of the Greek Navy as a weapons/sensors officer. His research interest is in development of high THz absorbing nanostructures for applications in MEMS bi-material THz sensors.

Gamani Karunasiri is a Professor of Physics at the Naval Postgraduate School. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Pittsburgh. He began his career as an assistant research engineer at the University of California at Los Angeles. From there, he became a faculty member of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the National University of Singapore where he developed a microbolometer based infrared camera. Since 2000, Professor Karunasiri has been at the Naval Postgraduate School where his current research interests are in THz imaging and MEMS-based directional sound sensors. He is the author of over 95 journal publications and he holds three patents.