APL Colloquium

January 5, 2007

Colloquium Topic: Next Generation Deep Space Network: Vision for the Next 100 Years

Dr. Geldzahler will describe his vision for the next generation Deep Space Network.

Colloquium Speaker: Barry Geldzahler

Barry Geldzahler received BA and BS degrees in Astronomy and Mathematics from the University of Illinois, and a PhD in Astrophysics officially from the University of Pennsylvania - unofficially from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory with about 2 years spent at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy. This was followed by post-doctoral positions at MIT and NRL. His specialty is radio astronomy, specifically very long baseline interferometry. During his career in astronomy, Dr. Geldzahler has published in optical, radio, xray, UV, and gamma ray astrophysics. Dr. Geldzahler has worked in industry for 15 years on a variety of spacecraft missions including Clementine, and at APL on MSX, and NEAR. He has been at NASA since 2001 where he has been the program executive for NEAR, Galileo, Stardust, the Planetary Data System and the Deep Space Network.