APL Colloquium

November 17, 2000

Colloquium Topic: Naval Science and Technology Initiatives

The Office of Naval Research provides the scientific and technical base that delivers new capabilities for expanding the technical superiority of the Navy and Marine Corps. The Naval S&T program is balanced between short-term needs and long-term commitments. ONR has recently focussed its near-term investment strategy into twelve Future Naval Capabilities, with a goal of spiking the S&T investment in a few areas to bring them to critical mass. Specific technology investment priorities in the FNCs will be presented. In the longer term, the Discovery and Invention portion of the Naval S&T program pushes for a continuous generation of new ideas for the future Navy and Marine Corps. ONR has defined a set of "Grand Challenges" for the Navy of 2020 and beyond to guide the investment in Discovery and Invention. ONR is also committed to solving current fleet and force problems, and is developing a Web-based Naval Research Coalition to better enable the Naval Labs, Warfare Centers, and University Laboratories to deliver technical solutions for current fleet needs.

Colloquium Speaker: Capt. David M. Schubert

Capt. David M. Schubert is a 1977 honors graduate of the United States Naval Academy where he was a Trident Scholar, and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics. In March 1979 following completion of nuclear power and submarine training, he reported to USS HAMMERHEAD (SSN 663) where he served as Communications Officer, Damage Control Assistant, and Operations Officer. During this period, the ship deployed to the Mediterranean Sea, the North Atlantic, and the Indian Ocean, and earned two Battle Efficiency "E" awards. From April 1982 to March 1984, Captain Schubert served as an instructor at Nuclear Power School in Orlando, Florida. He then served as the Engineer of USS CHICAGO (SSN 721) during the ship's initial construction and shakedown period. In 1988 he was selected for the MIT/Woods Hole Joint Oceanography program, where he received a Masters Degree in Physical Oceanography. In October 1990, Captain Schubert reported as Executive Officer on USS STONEWALL JACKSON (SSBN 634) (GOLD) where he completed three strategic deterrent patrols and earned another Battle "E" award. From August 1992 to August 1994, he served on the Joint Staff (J3) as Operations Officer for the National Military Command Center. Captain Schubert returned to USS CHICAGO as her Commanding Officer from May 1995 to July 1997. During his tour, the ship deployed to the Arabian Gulf with the Independence Carrier Battle Group and was also the first submarine to control an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle during an exercise off Southern California in June 1996. From August 1997 to July 1999, Captain Schubert served as the Assistant for Plans, Liaison and Assessments for the Submarine Warfare Division of the Navy staff. He then moved to COMSUBLANT as the Assistant Chief of Staff for Warfare Requirements, Planning and Assessments. In these assignments, Captain Schubert was instrumental both in firmly establishing the current need for submarines, and for developing the vision for the Navy's future in undersea warfare. He is currently serving as the Assistant Chief of Naval Research, where he is responsible for delivering new technology to the Navy and Marine Corps. Captain Schubert's awards include the Legion of Merit, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy Commendation Medal, and the Navy Achievement Medal.