APL Colloquium

March 2, 2001

Colloquium Topic: Bioterrorism

Bioterrorism is of enormous concern to mankind today and is expected to draw greater attention, both scientific and political, in the future. The speaker, who has written extensively and spoken often on the issues of Environmental Security, will discuss various such projects that he has been closely associated with.

Colloquium Speaker: Tee L. Guidotti

Dr. Tee L. Guidotti is a physician with training in internal medicine, pulmonary medicine and occupational and environmental medicine. He is currently Professor and Chair of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health in the School of Public Health and Health Services, The George Washington University Medical Center, Washington DC. Prior to taking this position in 1999, he was for 15 years Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and Director of the Occupational Health Program in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. In 1996, he was named a Killam Annual Professor, one of the University of Alberta's highest honors. Dr. Guidotti first became active in issues related to environmental security in the late 1980's when he participated in a project to design epidemiological surveillance for the rapid detection of chemical assaults on civilian populations. He has been engaged civilian activities since, has assisted the Department of Defense as a spokesperson for the safety of anthrax vaccine and has worked extensively with the firm Dycor Research & Development.