% This function is used to determine the mean distance % for uniform sampling over a hypercube. Used for comparing the % quality of initial conditions with other algorithms that use % only one iterative solution (i.e., can use mean distance here % to set i.c. with same mean distance in single solution algorithm). % % 'thetatmax' and 'thetamin' represents px1 vectors of upper and lower % bounds to theta elements. % p=10; thetamax=2.047*ones(p,1); thetamin=-2.048*ones(p,1); thetatrue=ones(p,1); %must lie inside of hypercube defined by thetamax, thetamin y=0; N=200000; rand('seed',31415927) for i=1:N x=((thetamax-thetamin).*rand(p,1)+thetamin); dist=((x-thetatrue)'*(x-thetatrue))^.5; y=y+dist; end y=y/N